Describing the current state of youth, it is often talked about being lost, withdrawing from social life, destroying addictions, aggression, difficulties and problems that young people bring on and create by themselves in the imitation of adults. Young people love the risk and therefore quickly get into trouble.
The ultimate role models for youths are usually their parents. Unfortunately, for some of them they are adults in Residential Children's homes or schools, and for others just a street.
A parent as a role model
One might say - "a great thing" - parenting is best and every child dreams about it ... That's true, but sometimes the parent who is our hero destroys our lives and does not even realize it. Recently I was browsing various interviews of people from Trinidad and I came across a mother who is kept by Sugar daddy... She has an 11-year-old daughter - a beautiful girl - who already knows that she wants to follow her mother's footsteps, because they have everything they desire... I felt disgusted because for this girl material things (a villa with a pool, Jacuzzi, etc.) are more important than her value. She doesn't even know her worth... Mother mentioned that her daughter has already paid for the best university and does not have to worry about her future, and I wonder why she's looking at her education and paying for it, if her daughter wants to be a prostitute like her mother and has Sugar Daddies too. What sense it makes?
Residential Children's Homes or schools
It's rather a rarity in Trinidad. Backwardness is so huge that these people do not believe in the effectiveness of such institutions. Trini people think that they are dealing with children themselves and do not need third parties to support them. If it would be so easy as they say, then the youngsters would not have any problems with the law, drugs or aggression against the weaker ones? At this point I should mention again about parents - masters - role models, who:
for their own convenience, they push their children in the wrong direction and expose them to immense dangers;
for financial gain, they force their children to commit criminal acts (e.g. drug trafficking, joining forces with gangsters, and even sexual interactions with adults);
support crimes, bestiality behavior and illiteracy;
do not care about their education and expect the school to raise their children.
What if you send a dissolved and obnoxious kid to a "prison for children" for inappropriate behavior, stupid actions or dirty tricks? This solution should be seen as a priority by the government! Believe, after they've been in prison , the youngsters would be like a newborn and certainly would not want to go back there! That's why they would start to live in accordance with the law, see the difference between good and bad world, and above all, they would not be illiterate or drug addicts anymore!
Street Children
These children find it harder to grow up in the proper way, because in most cases they look for role models outside:
because they do not have them at home,
because they do not have a proper home;
because their parents are not interested in the future
because they come from a broken family, where the father is unknown and the mother brings a new uncle every week.
Such childhood does not bode for proper functioning and development. These young people usually get into trouble because they are used by adults who also grew up on the street. A man can learn from his mistakes, but only a loser insists on them! It can be concluded that such a model to follow is unlikely to help this kid improve its life. For most cases, father figures are drug dealers, gang leaders or regular alcoholics... However, it should be emphasized that most of the talented young people in Trinidad were grow up on the street.
My observations show that most families in Trinidad are broken families. Most mothers in Trinidad have more than two baby daddies. Almost every 3 young girls (15-17 years) end up as a single mother without education and a decent future. It is normal in this country when children give birth to children; when a daughter at the age of 15 dresses like an adult and goes with her mother to a party in a nightclub; when a young girl's boyfriend becomes a gangster, because a boy from a good home is a "pussy boy"!
My advice: Dear Trini people, start traveling with your families to Europe and other countries than the Caribbean to see how others live. Do not let your children grow up in a backward society! Do not allow merciless gangsters to destroy your child or, in the worst case scenario, kill it because they've found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time! Take care of your children's future and make sacrifices because their future is in your hands. Just be a human and help your children spread their wings...

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